Monday, January 28, 2008

Bath Time!

Max is one of my Baby's First Year Plan babies, and last week it was time for his 9 month session. Max is such a happy baby, so his shoot went very smoothly and we got some awesome shots! He's one of those kids that I could sit and take his picture all day long. He brought his old time underwear with the back panel in it.....soooo cute! We did some with his little toosh showing, but I didn't want to show the world those pictures...hahaha! Poor kid is going to be so embarrassed of those pictures when he gets older. He also brought an antique bassinet that's been in his family for years. I always love when people bring props that are special to them, which in turn will make their photos even more special. Thanks Max, I can't wait for your one year session in a few months, but I will be sad that your one year plan will be over!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Gone Fishin'!

This little cutie came this week to do some fishing. He didn't catch much but the ivy, but I think he had fun! I was able to catch something myself, some really good smiles! Thanks Luke!

My Little Valentine!

If you've ever been to me for pictures, you probably have heard me talk about my nephew, Ruger. He has his photos taken every month, and last week was his 10 month portrait session. Since Valentine's Day is just around the corner, we went with the Valentine theme. The little stinker is already walking, so he kept just wanting to walk right out of the photo! He also brought his 2 year old cousin, Ayden, so they could have some pictures taken together for Grandma. Boy, did they have me worn out by the time we were done! I couldn't resist showing you several from their session. Stay tuned for Ruger's next months portraits!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Xander came for his 3 month portraits last week. He brought his big brother Wyatt, even though Wyatt didn't really want to have his picture taken! Xander did awesome and gave me some great smiles.
The baby's first year is such an important year to photograph. They change and grow up so much that first year. I have a Baby's First Year Program, which includes 4 appointments, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months and a one year session. Please give me a call for more information!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Howdy Partner!

I can't believe Cooper is going to be turning one this month! Just seems like yesterday when I went to the hospital to visit him when he was born. He has grown and changed so much since then. Cooper came Saturday for his one year portraits, all decked out in his wranglers and his Justin Boots! He was even wearing a western shirt that belonged to his dad when he was a little boy, how cute! I always enjoy photographing him and his big sisters, they keep me entertained!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Ahhh.....three year olds!

Brett came recently for his three year pictures. We had such a good time, and he definitely kept me laughing during the whole shoot. He's such a cutie and has lots of personality. There's just nothing like photographing a three year old. Now a two year old, that's a challenge! That's when they become independent, and there's just no getting them to do something if they don't want to do it! I just have to sit and wait for them to do something cute. Usually by the time they turn three, they are following directions and are pretty easy to make smile, as you can tell from this photo of Brett. Thanks Brett, you did so well!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

New Year Resolutions

I normally don't do New Year's resolutions, but I thought I would try this year. I've been wanting to start a blog for quite sometime, so I'm using the start of the new year as an excuse to do one. I hope to keep up with it throughout the year, posting to it at least a few times a week. Nothing is more annoying then to go to read someones blog and they haven't posted it to it for months! I will be using the blog to let everybody know what's going on here at Magic Wand Photography and to write about the recent photo sessions that I've done.

I spent a couple of hours of my New Year's day with the Stacy family. They came from far and wide to get together with family for the holidays, so I was happy to be able to photograph them while they were all in town. When was the last time your family has gotten together for a family portrait? If you are like most families, it's probably been a while! So make it your New Year's resolution to get that family portrait done!