Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Most Photographed Child!

This poor child is going to grow up hating his Aunt Jayme! I've taken so many photographs of Ruger since day one of his life. You should see the walls of his house. They are already running out of room for photos and he's not even one year old yet! It was time for Ruger's eleven month photos this week, so I did some close-ups to show that gorgeous face and those beautiful blue eyes!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Seeing Triple!

The triplets were here on Saturday for their 9 month portraits and boy are they growing so fast! It's always a little stressful when they come, because you never know if one is going to have an off day. It's hard enough to do one baby, but trying to shoot three that are all the same age...whew! It wasn't much of a challenge this time though, because each one of the girls were wonderful. I had such a good time with them and got the most precious shots! Thanks girls, see ya in 3 months!

Easter/Spring Special!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Busy, Busy!

I've been pretty busy this past week, so I haven't had much time to blog. I've been shooting and editing away, trying to get everybody's pictures up online as quickly as possible. So just thought I would share a few pictures that I've been taking.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Spring Portraits!

It's not to early to start thinking about Easter/Spring Portraits. Easter falls early this year, March 23rd. I am doing a Children's Spring Special again this year, which is planned for March 1st and 2nd. That will give you plenty of time to get them back by Easter Sunday. I'm hoping to have real bunnies this year available to be in your child's portrait. Once I get all my background and props figured out and find Ruger a cute outfit so he can be my model, I'll be sending out postcards with all the information. If you are not already on my mailing list, please email me your address, and I'll be sure to mail you out a postcard. Or if you already know you want to make an appointment, just give a call! (417) 228-1016

New Prop

Keghan was the first to try out my new bathtub prop last week. I think they turned out adorable! All of her pictures did! This was probably the best shoot i've had with Keghan. She stayed happy the whole time! 9 Month old girls are probably my favorite shoot of all. Thanks Keghan!